Whether you’re looking for a deal on a water softener or water filter, Culligan of Greater Virginia has an offer!
Today’s Offers
Don’t Miss Out!
No Interest for 18 Months on a Culligan Water System! Water You Love.
Get cleaner, safer water throughout your home with any HE Water Softener or Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System starting at $9.95/mo. for the first six months!
Get $350 off a water softener + reverse osmosis water filter combo installation!
Rent your Culligan system for six months before you decide to buy! All payments go towards your purchase price.
Get a System Inspection & Water Analysis on any water system from any brand.
Receive a Culligan drinking water system at no cost for 6 months!
Get up to a $500 trade-in for a Culligan water softener system.
Have your new Culligan product installed for only $50!